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Calliope Magazine Earns National Honors

Liz Tausner

2011, the D-E Upper School annual literary publication, has been selected for a Crown Award by the Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CPSA).  A total of 1,351 newspapers, magazines and yearbooks published during the 2010-2011 academic year were eligible in the 2012 Crown Awards program.

According to the CPSA, the grand total of 204 Crowns consists of 56 magazines, 56 newspapers and 92 yearbooks. Of these, 163 Crowns will be given to scholastic publications and 41 Crowns to collegiate publications.  Crown Award finalists are guaranteed to receive either a Gold or Silver Crown Award later this spring, in March 2012.

Steve Petkus, Calliope faculty advisor and D-E librarian, enthusiastically commented, "I am thrilled for our four (student) editors.  (Their) excellent work is being recognized (on a national level). Calliope has received this level of recognition only a handful of times in its 50+ year history, and those particular issues, (including) a 1982 Gold Crown winner, for example, are still spoken of with special reverence." 

Founded in 1925, the CPSA unites student editors and faculty advisers working with them to produce student newspapers, magazines, yearbooks and online media. Students come from public, private and church-related schools and colleges throughout the United States and from overseas schools following an American plan of education. The Association is owned by Columbia University and operated as a program affiliated with its Graduate School of Journalism.

The Columbia Scholastic Press Association serves student journalists as follows:
> to make clear expression the standard for success;
> to maintain the student media for students, by students and containing news of students;
> to conduct contests and offer awards to make student media better than they were; and
> to recognize that journalism can be a means towards broader understanding of society and people.

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