

A Message from D-E Alumni Relations

Dear Alumni, 
Wherever life has taken us and whether our school years were spent at the Dwight School, the Englewood School for Boys, or today's Dwight-Englewood School, we all share a special bond through the years as we all grew up on this campus.
Our history enriches who we are today, and you, as a member of our alumni body, are important to us! We appreciate your loyalty and continued involvement with the school as well as the generous financial support that so many of you have provided over many years. We look forward to your visits, to hearing about your lives—your careers, your children and grandchildren, your memories of the school when you were here, and your thoughts about Dwight-Englewood School today.

We are also always looking for more alumni to join our strong parent and alumni volunteers serving on various Board of Trustees working committees. Our D-E Alumni Relations Committee is just one area we would encourage your participation.  As an alumna/alumnus of the school, you have both great experience and a unique, valuable perspective.  Assistance is needed with the following committees: Alumni Relations, Building and Grounds, Development and Finance.  We also welcome and encourage your suggestions of alumni nominations for our Board of Trustees.
To learn more and get involved, we welcome you to explore our exclusive network for D-E Alumni! This website is a one-stop shop for everything alumni-related providing resources such as an alumni directory, upcoming events, job opportunities, finding/becoming a mentor, alumni news, and much more! Sign up today at

We look forward to hearing from you!

Maria Sanchez Gardner '78 Liz Iannaconi '04
Director of Alumni  Assistant Director of Alumni
(201) 227-3111 (201) 227-3114

Reunion 2025

Plan to celebrate Dwight-Englewood School and join us for Reunion 2025 the weekend of October 24-25, 2025!

Upcoming Alumni Events

Mailing Address: 315 East Palisade Avenue Englewood, NJ 07631
gps: 81 Lincoln Street, Englewood, NJ 07631
201-569-9500 Email:
Located in Englewood, New Jersey, Dwight-Englewood is a greater New York City area private school with a rigorous college prep curriculum for boys and girls in preschool through grade 12.